What determines water quality?
The water of even the healthiest rivers and lakes is not absolutely pure. All
water (even if it is distilled) contains many naturally occurring substances --
mainly bicarbonates, sulphates, sodium, chlorides, calcium, magnesium, and
They reach the surface and groundwater from:
soil, geologic formations and terrain in the catchment area (river basin);
surrounding vegetation and wildlife;
precipitation and runoff from adjacent land;
biological, physical and chemical processes in the water;
human activities in the region.
Water Testing Program
The Muskoka Lakes Association (MLA) Water Quality Initiative water quality
sampling program tests our lake water quality every year. Your membership fees are making
this water testing program possible and have allowed our association to
purchase additional equipment this year to be used by our volunteers for the
water tests. Samples will be collected and analyzed every second week for the
remainder of the summer.
Some tips on how to do this are provided below. More information on the sampling
program, water quality results and the health of the Clear Lake ecosystem will
be added to the website over the summer.
Remember: Nobody wants to buy a cottage or home on a polluted lake.
The quality of the lake directly affects your use of it.
Past results:
Water Quality - What you can do to help?
Keep our lake clean!!!!
Some tips:
Ensure your septic system is functioning properly
DO NOT use fertilizers on lawns
DO NOT remove shoreline vegetation
DO plant shoreline plants to assist in maintaining the integrity of the
shoreline that will benefit us, birds, fish, animals and ultimately the water
The association asks for the co-operation of the wake boarders and skiers to
use the middle of the lake rather than to go along the shore to minimize the
wake action on shore. Shore erosion is becoming a serious problem and
contributes to poor water quality
These are the quickest ways to reduce phosphorus and as a result the dreaded